Every week we meet together to be transformed by God. We experience His presence by worshiping Him in one mind and one accord, praying for the needs of our church family, and receiving Biblical truth through an anointed and relevant message from His Word. Our passion is sharing the love of Christ with one another, and spreading His Gospel by positively impacting the surrounding communities. We hope you would come as you are and join us as we pursue God's fulfilling purpose for our lives together
We have 7 core values at Cottonwood Church. We value Experiencing the presence of God, Changed Lives, Strong Relationships, Families, Reaching into our Community and the World, Diversity, and
The Bible as the final authority for our lives
The Statement of Fundamental Truths contains the 16 doctrines of the Assemblies of God. Four of these; Salvation, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Divine Healing, and the Second Coming of Christ, are considered Cardinal Doctrines which are essential to the church’s core mission of reaching the world for Christ.
Meet the Pastor
Otis Lee
Senior Pastor
Pastor Otis Lee has been the senior pastor of Cottonwood Church in Alba/Golden Texas for 14 years. Otis, along with his family, is committed to working with and leading the Body of Christ into engaging and excelling in ministry, not only in the church, but also within the community. His Love for God, family, and community is the driving force of his ministry. He currently serves on the Tyler Section Committee overseeing all district affiliated churches. He has been married to his beautiful wife, Stephanie, for 21 years. They have two amazing young boys, Chandler and Chase.